Seminar Track #1 - Costuming
Anthropomorphic Costume Parts and How to Use Them
1 Hour
Learn about all kinds of costume accessories like antlers, horns, sabers, teeth, tongues, lips, jaws, pre-cast heads, eyes, noses, claws, paw pads and whiskers. Learn the best
techniques for sturdy mounting and enjoy a discussion about how the shape, color and texture of various accessories affects the perceived personality and attributes of the character.
All About NFT Fur Fabric
1 Hour
Learn everything about NFT from how it is created to how to best use it.
Discussion topics will include:
The process of making and designing NFT.
Material options.
Sewing technique demonstration.
Cleaning, grooming and styling recommendations.
Costume Design Tools and Equipment
30 Minutes
Learn about the basic tools that professionals use to make costumes.
Topics include:
Cutting Tools - Scissors, razors, hot knives and wheels - their selection, care and use.
Shaving Tools - How to modify the length of your fur, and have it come out looking right without shave lines.
Adhesion Tools - What to look for in a glue gun, nozzle selection, glue selection, temperature controls. Alternative fastening options.
Mannequin and Armatures - How to make or find the right kind of base for your costume.
Thread and Needles - The many types of thread, its application and use. Learn about material selection, weight, weave style and how to choose the right needle.
Plantigrade Bodysuit Patterning
1 Hour
Learn the ins and outs of making pattern for a plantigrade bodysuit. This
is a body for a costume that fits a human shape without additional padding.
This is a great body style for beginners. Learn techniques on how to create
prototype patterns for tailored fitting, and how to machine-sew your faux
Digitigrade and Padded Bodysuit Workshop
1 Hour
Do you want your costume critter to have more shape and hide the human
form? Learn intermediate and advanced techniques to create and pattern
dynamic body shaping that is much more animalistic, so your character can
have the illusion of standing on its toes, or other body forms.
Kandorin Creations
Advanced Resin Head Design
1 Hour
An analysis of the underlying musculature and skeletal structure of animal skulls.
Learn how to analyze the natural shape and underlying elements of an animal head to create aesthetically pleasing head bases.
See how to communicate the desired shape to a maker using topographical reference sheets.
Introduction to Industrial Sewing Equipment
1 Hour
Industrial Machines are quite hardy and built for very specific purposes.
There will be demos of the following machines:
Cup Feed Whip stitch - The machine used by furriers and plush makers. Learn about the different options and eliminate your seam lines.
Blind Stitch Machine - Also known as a hemmer, these machines make virtually undetectable stitches in fur. Great for zippers and cuffs.
Needle Feed Machine - A machine that feeds your materials from the bottom and top with a movable needle. Great for keeping thick materials aligned.
Serger - The workhorse of the garment industry. Cut and finish an edge all at the same time. Learn about thread count, feed types and machine selection.
Working with Foam
30 Minutes
Learn about the use, care and preparation of foam as used in costumes.
Topics Include:
Selection - All about the different types of foam, where to get them, and how to check for toxic fire retardants.
Adhesion - How to fasten it all together. Hot glue techniques, spray adhesives (and their safety) as well as stitching.
Cutting - How to cut foam and get the edge you need.
Hot Knives and Wires - What kind of foam works with a hot knife, includes basic safety.
Tactical Costume Repair
1 Hour
Learn how to fix your costume on the go.
Topics Include:
What to carry to every convention.
How to do an emergency repair without causing permanent damage.
Basics of sewing for beginners.
How to deal with seam and non-seam tears.
Tactical gluing without driving your suit maker insane or ruining your mask.
Have a minor hole or problem with your costume? Bring it on in to use as an example.
Get Fluffy
Eye Construction and Materials
45 Minutes
It is said that "emotion and feelings are communicated through the eyes." Eyes are a very important part of any costume.
Topics Include:
How eye shape affects the end user experience.
Computer aided layout.
Toony eye material selection - from interface materials to metallic meshes.
How to achieve the "follow-me" eye style.
Painting and pigmentation techniques.
Realistic taxidermy eyes.
Rachel Bock
Foot Paw Construction
1 Hour
Learn about creating paws for your feet! Making indoor and outdoor foot paws will be discussed,
as well as various parts of their construction and patterning.
Advanced Tail Design
1 Hour
Topics Include:
How to create exotic and advanced species tale patterns.
Advanced mounting techniques utilizing speciaility materials such as themaloplastics and leather.
Working with complex markings and shapes
Get Fluffy
Handpaw Design
1 Hour
Topics Include:
The basics of making a 3, 4 or 5 finger handpaw.
How to add pawpads and claws.
Tricks to make those paws fit like a glove.
Get Fluffy
Electrosuiting not Electrocuting
1 Hour
A panel about wearable electronics. Covering topics such as batteries, wires, LEDs, fans, etc.
mBlade will talk about what works and what doesn't in electronic suits. Come and learn how mBlade's
LED suit works from design and concept to reality.
Alexi Husky
Practical Electronics I
1 Hour
Learn the basics of electronics with a focus on technology that is suitable for wearable use. Learn the inside secrets about where to get
electronic components, wire and supplies. An environmentally low-impact, lead-free soldering process will be demonstrated. Proper soldering
technique will be shown. Topics such as safety, wiring color codes, waterproof wiring techniques, batteries, lights, fans, switches, schematic
symbols and basic test equipment will be covered.
Practical Electronics II
1 Hour
Take your electronics knowledge a step further and learn how to design basic illumination systems, do a power budget and get introduced to
more advanced test equipment. Learn about voltage and current, and how to visualize them using test equipment like multimeters and scopes. More
advanced troubleshooting will be covered - like how to test components. Practical Electronics I or "Electrosuiting not Electrocuting" is
recommended as a prerequisite.
Advanced Embedded Systems Design
1 Hour
Add computer control to your costume. Practical examples of embedded systems controlled lights and electronics will be demonstrated. Learn about serially
addressable rainbow LEDs, body worn sensors and the control systems that connect it all together. Development environments will be covered as well as
debug tools and programming. Board bring-up techniques will be demonstrated.
Alexi Husky
Advanced Electronics Q/A Session / Show and Tell
1.5 Hours
Come and ask your really hard (or not so hard) electronics questions. A specially assembled panel of experts can help you with your design questions.
From hardware to firmware, design to production. We are here to help make your ideas a reality. Please be encouraged to bring your projects from concept
to completion.
Alexi Husky