Costuming Workshops art

Social Vendors Humanities Cinema


Please bring your own supplies and equipment for the workshops. If you are missing something the panelists will have a limited quantity of extra supplies on hand.

Writing Workshop with Frances Pauli

1 Hour

Bring your questions about writing and publishing. Our panel of fiction authors will discuss honing your craft and polishing your furry stories until they shine. We'll talk about the most common things that keep a story from getting accepted, simple steps to take your fiction to the next level, and the process of submitting and publishing your work.

Frances writes a wide spectrum of fiction across genres like Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Romance. She has published more than 20 novels and a broad offering of short stories. Her anthropomorphic web serial, The Earth Tigers, was a Jukepop Top 30 Series in 2015. She writes a free avian serial, and has had short stories published by FurPlanet and GoAL Publications. Her free furry stories can be found on SoFurry and FurAffinity under the username MammaBear, or on her website at:
Francis Pauli

Francis Pauli

Madison Madison

Maintenance and Refurbishing of Costumes

1 Hour

How to keep your costume sparkley clean and give it new life through the refurbishment process. This workshop will discuss and demonstrate stain removal, brushing, and how to remove creases or wrinkles from faux fur. Also discussed will be washing and drying methods and costume modifications and refurbishment for aesthetics or repair. Advanced costume care and grooming products used in Hollywood production films will also be presented.


Hogwash Husky

Hogwash Husky



Designing an Anthropomorphic Character Persona

1 Hour

Work with pre-made character persona parts to create and color your character. Once you have finished you can take it over to the dealers den to get it made into a badge.

Learn what goes into designing an anthropomorphic character, and what you need to have a professional reference sheet produced. The class will also discuss etiquette for working with artists during the commissioning process.




Resin Casting and Mold Making

1.5 Hours

Come see a live casting and mold making demo with Drakonic Knight and Keetah from Kandorin Creations. While the resins are curing there will be a question and answer session.
Drakonic Knight


Kandorin Creations

Kandorin Creations

Duct Tape Dummy Workshop

1 Hour

Duct tape dummies are used to create a perfectly shaped mannequin for a commission. See how to make a duct tape dummy in person. Volunteers from the audience will be invited to help take turns wrapping a panelist.
Hogwash Husky

Hogwash Husky



Finding your Groove with Ary

1 Hour

This is an introductory dance workshop. The basics will be covered: warm-ups, steps, drills, and rhythm and groove. Come prepared to move and groove!


Dancing in Suit Workshop

1 Hour

Explore your anthropomorphic character persona through dance with Rinn. Learn to work with your suit in dance and explore the challenges and abilities unique to your costume. Share your own experiences with others and learn together. This workshop is intended for costume performers and one handler per performer only.


Dance Comp Gone Mental?

1 Hour

Your music is ready, and your routine is down, but nerves are rattled, your brain is freaked out, and you're already sweating. What do you do? Come learn about the mental aspects of dancing and performance and how to overcome them.
Hogwash Husky


Zippers, Closure Hooks, Buttons, Snaps and Magnets

45 Minutes

Learn the right way to mount a zipper and hide it well. We will also cover closure hooks, buttons, snaps and magnets.
Menagerie Workshop

Menagerie Workshop

Tail Workshop 1

1 Hour

Design a custom tail pattern, then learn about various attachment techniques, styles and effects. Tail kits and supplies are available onsite for $10. Part 1 of 2.


Tail Workshop 2

1 Hour

Finish cutting out your tail pattern and sew it all together. Hand sewing techniques will be taught.


Hand Paw Workshop 1

1 Hour

Create a hand paw pattern and learn about accoutrements such as claws, pads and how to make them.

Hand Paw Workshop 2

1 Hour

Sew your paw together and add the accessories.

Head Construction Demo

1 Hour

Learn about head building techniques and see how materials are added during the various phases of construction.
Menagerie Workshop

Menagerie Workshop

Ears, Tongues, Eyebrows and Noses

1 Hour

The details really make the costume. Learn how to construct the various facial features, and how their design and placement affects the perception of the character.
Sunny Valley Creations

Sunny Valley Creations

*Program subject to change